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2022 Great Taste Awards

2 More Great Taste Awards for 2022

Terra Rossa is delighted to announce that it has 2 more GTA’s - taking the company’s total to an amazing 73 over the past 17 years.

The products Awarded are:

Baharat - Mama's Arabian Spice Mix

In the Levant every good kitchen has its own mix of Baharat that is used every day to flavour meals. Baharat is the Arab equivalent of Garam Massala, the Indian spice mix, and this particular flavourful spice blend mix is very close to what my Mama use to make which is why we named it after her.

Baharat image

And this is what the Judges said:

Sumac Citrus Berries with Dead Sea Salt from the Jordan Valley

A brand-new product that infuses the Sumac in its natural form berry form with a truly amazing salt from the Jordanian Dead Sea Valley. It adds a zesty touch that heightens the flavours of any dish. Sumac and Salt Ideal for everyday use from seasoning, pickling, marinating to preserving.

And this is what the Judges said:

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